The applicant should be over 18 years of age, working in visual media, cartoonists, freelance media personalities, photojournalists, etc. can become members subject to the approval of the Executive Committee.

The applicant should fill the application form and pay Rs.1000  as admission fee and Rs.25 as monthly surcharge. If the monthly dues are paid in one go, he can continue to be a member again with the approval of the committee.

When a member joins he must sign the Admission Register after getting the approval of the Committee.
When a member is removed from membership that information will be recorded in the register.

  • The resignation application must be submitted in writing and approved by the Committee.
  • If the member may act contrary to the terms, interests and policy of the association the President may issue a show cause notice in writing, failing to give due notice within a week or, if the member admits that he has acted in violation of the terms and conditions of the committee.
  • Failure to pay monthly surcharge for more than three months.
  • And in case of death

Admission Fees, Monthly, Donations Grants and Loans from Government or Other Aid Institutions and The income from the activities of the association can be considered as revenue.

Each member who are registered in the Admission Register as

  • Founding Member and A Class Member have right to vote in National, State and District Committees.
  • B Class Members have right to vote in State and District Committees.
  • C Class Member have no vote in any committees.

Those who are registered in the Admission Register as Founding Member, A Class Member and B Class Member can be considered as members of all General Meetings.

The general meeting should be held at least once in a year.

Each calendar year is a group year. The annual general meeting is to be held before December 31 of each year.

The annual revenue and expenditure figures and the balance sheet and budget should be presented and passed at the annual general meeting.

The quorum for the general meeting shall be two-thirds of the total number of members.

The Secretary must give at least ten days’ notice of the proceedings along with the proceedings.

Founding members and A class Members  shall elect as National Executive Committee members, to govern from the General meeting. It can also be by secret ballot if required.

It is the duty of the members to attend all public meetings.

Under normal circumstances the President may convene a special general meeting at the request of twenty-five or more members at their request.

If the association makes any amendments to the terms, the notice must be given by the Secretary at least ten days in advance and at least three-fourths of the members present at such public meeting must pass the amendment and otherwise shall be invalid.

The President shall have the sovereignty over all matters to the Executive Committee.

It is the responsibility of the Executive Committee to implement all policies and plans approved by the General meeting.

The President has the power to dissolve any member of the National, State or District committees if it is found to be detrimental to the survival of the Committee.

In the event of theft, disappearance, or failure to recover group assets, only the President shall have the final say in the matter.

It is vested in a National Executive consisting of minimum 7 persons elected from the General Meeting.

The following official members shall be elected from among the members of the committee by a majority vote. 1) President 2) Vice President 3) Secretary 4) Joint Secretary 5) Treasurer 6) Coordinator

The quorum of the Executive Committee will be 4.

The term of the Executive Committee will be three years.

The President has the power to nominate other members to fill the interim vacancies on the committee. It has to be approved by the Executive committee.

Committee members who do not attend 3 consecutive committee meetings without a valid reason will be removed from the committee. If the committee is satisfied that there is a valid reason, the member will be allowed to continue.

The resignation will take effect only if approved by the President. He should not have any debts in JMA.

If the President resigns, the Vice-President shall be temporarily charged and the Executive Committee shall accept the resignation. The resignation will take effect only if the president has no obligations to the association. The next Executive Committee meeting is to elect a new president.

If for any reason the majority of the members of the Executive Committee resign, the President shall immediately convene a special general meeting and take steps to elect a new Executive Committee.

The governing body should meet at least two in a year.

Revenue and Expenditure Accounts, Vouchers and Receipts up to the end of the previous month should be reviewed by the Executive Committee Body at the time of each General meeting and passed and signed only if it is found to be correct. If any discrepancy is found, the officials responsible should be appeased and if any amount is found to be owed to them, immediate action should be taken to recover the amount.

If it is the first time, the annual balance and revenue figures should also be checked by an auditor appointed by the Committee.

A copy of the revenue and expenditure figures and the balance sheet passed within 21 days from the date of the annual general meeting shall be signed by at least four members of the Executive Committee and presented to the Registrar’s Office.

Sub-Committees shall be constituted on State and District basis all over India.

District Committees charge shall be borne by the members of the Executive Committee of  State Committee and State Committees charge shall be borne by the members of the Executive Committee of National Committee.

A minimum seven-member Executive Committee shall be constituted from the respective Sub-Committee for the functioning of the Sub-Committee constituted on state and district  basis and the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Joint Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected from that Executive Committee.

Plan and strategize projects and present at the meeting which seems necessary for the development of the team and the welfare of the members.

Loans for the group must be signed by the president, secretary, treasurer and at least two members of the Executive Committee.

    1. Committee shall have general oversight of the administration.
    2. All documents and records for the group will be in the name of the President.
    3. Preside on all Executive Committee Meetings and General Meetings.
    4. The President has the power to appoint, impose, fine, suspend and dismiss those who act against committee affairs.
    5. If the President is unable to attend any of the meetings, the Secretary and Vice-President must be notified in advance.
    6. All bank deposits belonging to the association must be in the name of the President. Bank accounts may be held jointly in the name of the Secretary and the Treasurer in addition to the President if the General meeting decides.
  1. In the absence of the President, the Vice President shall preside over the meeting.
  2. Assist the President in the administration of the association. Other matters to be decided by the Board.
  1. The Secretary shall be in charge of the day-to-day affairs of the association under the supervision of the President.
  2. Preparing and keeping all the records, accounts, books and registers required by the team.
  3. Managing and administering all the assets and liabilities of the association.
  4. Make all correspondence about the association.
  5. Notifying the members about the general meetings and Executive meetings.
  6. Prepare and maintain the Group’s Activity Reports, Statements of Income and Expenditure, Balance Sheet, Reports of the Executive Meeting and General Meeting, Annual Budgets, Annual Revenue and Expenditure Reports, Annual Reports and Receipts to the General Assembly.
  7. List of Executive Members to be filed at the Registrar’s Office with the approval of the president.
  8. Information on the transfer of the Registered Office Correct copies of the revenue and expenditure figures and the balance sheet passed at the general meeting and a copy of the conditional amendments should be submitted in due course.
  9. Other matters to be decided by the Executive Committee and the General Meeting.
  10. The amount required for each of the needs of the association should be purchased and spent through vouchers from the Treasurer as permitted in the budget.
  11. Expenditure in excess of the budget must be approved by the Executive Committee  and approved by the General meeting as an additional budget by the end of the year.
  1. Assist the Secretary in Administration.
  2. Assume the duties of Secretary in the absence of the Secretary.

The Treasurer shall be responsible for all transactions relating to money. Keeping proper records of all the money received from the association. Sign official receipts. Up to Rs.10,000 / – can be kept by the treasurer for essential expenses incurred in carrying out group activities and the excess amount should be deposited in the Name of the Association Bank Account. Proper vouchers and bond forms should be signed and kept for the money given. Keep passbooks and checkbooks. All receipts issued by the group must be stamped by the association.

An auditor may be appointed from a member or an outsider to audit the annual accounts prepared by the Executive Committee. The first year auditor shall be elected by the Executive Committee and subsequent years by the Annual General Body. The Auditor shall not be considered a member of the Committee.

Information on records to be kept by the Association File of group terms and registration certificate Minutes Book, Admission Register, Receipt Books, Stock Register, Budget Book, Association Register, Passbooks and Check Books of Capitals Registration of Costs and Costs of Deposits Statements (Files of Activity Reports, Balance Sheet etc.) Notice Book Writings File Inward Register, Outward Register, Stamp Account Book Team Required Register required.

Any cases against the association or in the name of the association will be handled by the President on behalf of the association. The association and the Executive Committee are responsible for the loans taken by the association. If the association has any disbursements, the Executive Committee has the power to recover it.

Convicted members are punishable as strangers, whether they are members of the Executive Committee or other members of the Committee. Any member of the association if found guilty will be prosecuted.